The Aceh Party reported the Aceh Independent Election Commission (KIP) to the Aceh Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslih) regarding the receipt of registration for Deputy Governor candidate from Bustami, namely M Fadhil Rahmi, who was considered to have passed the time limit.

"The report has been registered in the receipt of Panwaslih report number 03/LP/TG/Prov/01.00/IX/2024, and will immediately be followed up by Panwaslih Aceh," said Deputy Chairperson of the Aceh Party DPA, Suadi Sulaiman alias Adi Laweung. reported by ANTARA, Friday, September 27.

Adi Laweung said the report was related to the interpretation of the working day of the deadline for accepting candidates for Deputy Governor of Aceh during the period of improvement before the determination of the candidate pair on September 22, 2023.

Where, in Article 38 paragraph (1) Qanun Number 7 of 2024 concerning changes to Aceh Qanun Number 12 of 2016 concerning the Pilkada is seven working days before the determination of the candidate ends on September 12, 2024.

Then, KIP Aceh changed the schedule or deadline for registration of replacement candidates during the repair period until September 15, 2024, referring to the calendar day. Supposedly, according to Qanun it should be calculated based on weekdays.

Selain itu, laporan Partai Aceh juga mengenai penambahan penilaian adab dalam uji tes mampu membaca Al Quran yang dilaksanakan oleh KIP Aceh pada 4 September 2024 bertempat di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman.

He said, this was also not in accordance with the explanation of the provisions of Article 24 letter c of Aceh Qanun Number 7 of 2024 concerning Amendments to Aceh Qanun Number 12 of 2016, which states that able to read the Koran' is that prospective candidates must be able to be able in makhraj letters, hajil and tajwid.

"However, what KIP did was to add an assessment that was not meant in Aceh's Qanun," he said.

Not only that, continued Adi Laweung, their report is also related to the decision of the Aceh KIP which has made political noise and damaged the image of democracy.

According to him, KIP Aceh is not professional in carrying out its duties and functions, causing political chaos in the community.

Where, KIP Aceh initially stated that the candidate pair for Governor and Deputy Governor Ace Bustami Hamzah - Fadhil Rahmi did not meet the requirements (TMS).

"However, on the same day KIP annulled its own decision by referring to the Indonesian KPU letter number 2148/PL.02.2-SD/06/2024, and stated that the pair had met the requirements," said Adi Laweung.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Aceh Party's Legal Team, Fadjri, explained that the purpose of this report was to obtain legal certainty for the Aceh Pilkada organizers, as well as to straighten out the issues circulating in the community that the Aceh KIP was ridden by the interests of the Aceh Party.

The issue is very detrimental to the Aceh Party and the Acehnese Party candidate, Muzakir Manaf-Fadhlullah. Even though when viewed from the actions and policies taken by KIP, it actually benefits the other candidate pairs.

"Therefore, we hope that Panwaslih Aceh can follow up on the report and recommend dismissing the commissioners of KIP Aceh, as well as enforcing the rules by referring to the applicable provisions (Qanun Aceh regarding the Pilkada)," said Fadjri.

Regarding the report, a number of commissioners of the Aceh KIP, Hendra Darmawan stated that everything that had been carried out was in accordance with the provisions in Aceh Qanun Number 7 of 2024.

"We are carrying out according to Qanun Number 7 of 2024, as well as the Indonesian KPU letter (regarding the decision to meet the requirements of the Bustami - M Fadhil Rahmi pair," said Hendra Darmawan.

For information, previously Bustami Hamzah ran as a candidate for Governor of Aceh with Tgk Muhammad Yusuf A Wahab alias Tu Sop. However, the Acehnese cleric passed away some time ago.

Then, Bustami Hamzah registered M Fadhil Rahmi as his replacement representative on September 13, 2024, when the registration was considered by the Aceh Party to have passed the specified time limit.

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