YOGYAKARTA - The energy crisis and climate change to look for alternative environmentally friendly energy, one of which is wind. The question is, why wind energy is a renewable energy source?

The wind, which is a natural phenomenon that has occurred continuously, has been used by humans since ancient times. However, with technological advances, the use of wind energy is now more efficient and large-scale.

The reason the wind is renewable energy, according to Green Mountain Energy, is because the wind always blows somewhere and will never run out.

In addition, thanks to wind turbine technology, we can take advantage of the natural and unlimited wind power to generate electricity for households and businesses without worrying about running out of supplies.

Humans themselves have been using wind power for thousands of years. Since 5000 BC, the Egyptian has used the wind to push the boat along the Nile.

Then around 200 BC, a simple mill in China has been used to pump water, and vertical warrants are helping to imbet seeds in Persia and the Middle East.

The wind has also been used in several countries such as the Netherlands that dried lakes and swamps in the Rhine River Delta, to American farmers who pumped water for plants, cut wood at saw factories, and injected wheat and corn.

Mill technology has been used in many ways to facilitate work and improve human life for several centuries.

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In modern times, wind energy is a renewable energy source that we can still rely on to improve life.

In 2019, wind energy surpassed hydropower as the most commonly used renewable energy source to generate electricity in the United States.

In 2020, US electricity generated from the wind amounted to around 338 billion kilowatt hours (kWh). This figure has increased exponentially from the 6 billion kWh generated in 2000.

In the US, the growth of wind energy combined with higher public demand for clean energy and its reduction in production costs, has led to a revolution of clean energy.

This energy mechanism cannot be separated from the role of the mill that utilizes energy from the wind by using mechanical power to rotate the generator and generate electricity.

Not only is the wind abundant and endless resources, but it also produces electricity without burning any fuel and polluting the air.

Interestingly, the use of wind energy in the United States has helped avoid 336 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, or the equivalent of emissions from 73 million cars.

In the US, the use of wind energy contributes significantly to local communities. Wind energy projects are estimated to generate revenues of $2 billion annually through state and local taxes as well as land lease payments.

In addition, communities that develop wind energy can use this additional income to increase school budgets, reduce tax burdens for home owners, and overcome local infrastructure projects.

Wind turbines on a land-based utility scale are one of the lowest-price energy sources available today. In addition, the competitiveness of wind energy costs continues to increase along with advances in wind science and energy technology.

In addition, wind energy can be easily integrated in rural or remote areas. For example, agriculture and livestock or coastal communities and islands, where high-quality wind sources are often found.

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