The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVBMG) noted that volcanic activity at the peak of Mount Lewotobi Laki in East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) experienced a slight decline in the height of the eruption column.

Head of the Center for Volcanology and Disaster Mitigation Hadi Wijaya said PVBMG had made visual observations during the period 16-22 September 2024

"Previously, the average height of the eruption column was 300 to 1,200 meters, but in that period the height of the eruption column was 200 to 1,200 meters," he said in his statement, Wednesday, September 25, which was confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the pile of lava material in the Northeast was still very slow. Meanwhile, from the Insar satellite image of the first centinel showed deflation on the volcano's body.

This indicates that the supply of magma to the surface is decreasing. In addition, visually there is a buildup of materials that have the potential to become lava in the North and East areas of Mount Lewotobi Male Crater.

His party also reported that based on data from visual drones, the activity center was located at two eruption holes, namely the main crater of Mount Lewotobi Male and the eruption hole located northwest of Lewotobi Laki.

"However, the eruption activity in the northwestern eruption hole was more frequent during that period," he said.

In addition, he said, the earthquakes on Mount Lewotobi Males almost all showed a downward trend, but for harmonic earthquakes and Low Frequency experienced a slight increase, thus indicating that there was still a supply of magma from within to the surface.

However, he added that the movement has slowed down compared to the period, while the potential for the eruption of Mount Lewotobi Men will still occur due to the presence of magma supply from within.

Based on the results of thorough analysis and evaluation of visual and instrumental monitoring, visual activity and seismicity on Mount Lewotobi Male is still high.

The level of activity of Mount Lewotobi Men is set at Level III or standby and they also issue recommendations for the surrounding community.

The community around Mount Lewotobi Male male and visitor / tourist do not carry out any activities within a three-kilometer radius of the Mount Lewotobi Male eruption center and sector four kilometers in the North-Northeast and five kilometers in the northeast sector.

People around the mountain are also advised to be aware of the potential for rain lava flooding in rivers that originate at the top of Mount Lewotobi Laki in the event of high-intensity rain.

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