JAKARTA - Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas regrets that there are public figures who are indifferent to the suffering experienced by the Palestinian people, as a result of repeated attacks by the Israeli army.
"We deeply regret the attitude of some of the world's artists and public figures, including in Indonesia, who do not show their concern at all with the fate of the Palestinian people. Where more than 40,000 people have died and been killed by Israeli soldiers," he said in a statement in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, September 25.
Anwar assessed that people who are only busy with themselves and do not care about the fate of others are people who lose their conscience, and do not respect the values of humanity and justice.
The task of all mankind to be able to remind them to return to their nature, as social and religious creatures. Uphold and uphold noble values in life, by doing amar makruf nahi munkar (making good deeds and not doing heinous deeds).
"As a logical consequence of this attitude and perspective, if they see the killings and massacres carried out by certain parties, against other parties, then they as human beings and as social and religious creatures must show their concern by trying to prevent them," he stressed.
Therefore, Anwar said that the existence of various boycott movements that reminded the world community not to remain silent and did not show their concern at all about the fate of the Palestinian people is normal, as was the case with the 2024 Blockout Movement which was recently echoed on social media.
Through these various movements, he hopes that these efforts can become a global moral movement, so that these movements are expected to prevent violations of human rights (HAM) in various parts of the world.
"This is important to strive for, so that our life and life as human and social and religious creatures, both on a local, national and global scale, will be better, and more beautiful in the future than today and from previous times," said Anwar Abbas.
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