PALU - The Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) officially detained two suspects in the alleged corruption case of the Health Laboratory (Labkes) at the Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University (Untad) Palu.

"After being questioned, the two suspects were immediately detained for 20 days, starting from September 23 to October 12, 2024 at the Palu Class II A State Detention Center," said Head of Central Sulawesi Attorney General's Office Laode Sofyan in Palu, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, September 24.

Previously, investigators from the Central Sulawesi Attorney General's Office had named a suspect in the investigation of corruption in the procurement of educational service laboratory tools at the Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University for the 2022 fiscal year.

"The two people each with the initials TP were named as suspects based on Number: Print-04/P.2/Fd.1/09/2024 dated 23 September 2024 and FZ with the letter of determination of the suspect number: Print 03/P.2/Fd.1/09/2024 dated 23 September 2024," he said.

Meanwhile, the detention of the suspect is based on the Detention Order (investigation Level) number: Print 03/P.2.5/Fd.1/09/2024 dated September 23, 2024.

Meanwhile, the suspect FZ was examined and then an examination was carried out at the Bayangkara Hospital, so that until now no detention has been carried out.

"The suspect's detention was carried out on Monday," he said.

He stated that the actions of the suspects were suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) subsidiary Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999.

"Disangkakan dengan UU tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi sebagaimana diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor : 20 tahun 2021 juncto Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP," ujar Sofyan.

"It is suspected by the Law on the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number: 20 of 2021 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code," said Sofyan.

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