JAKARTA - Indonesia Political Review (IPR) assesses that the use of names such as Doel by Rano Karno in the campaign is a political strategy to increase electability and get public support.

"This is part of a strategy to be known and get support from the public or residents of Jakarta. Because the name of the sign, nickname, familiar name is important," said Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review (IPR) Ujang Komarudin as reported by ANTARA, Sunday, September 22.

According to him, the Indonesian people, including Jakarta residents, already know Pramono Anung Wibowo, not Pramana Anung Wibawa as written in the KTP and diploma of the former Cabinet Secretary (Menseskab).

Meanwhile, Rano Karno, Ujang, assessed that Si Doel's name was closer to the Betawi people.

"The name Rano Karno is known, but few. Si Doel is more familiar, more populist, better. Who doesn't know Rano Karno and who doesn't know Si Doel, right," he said.

"So, he continued, Si Doel is a nickname, a famous name that matches the typology of the people of Jakarta, the Betawi people," said the political observer from Al Azhar University.

Because, continued Ujang, the decision of the Pramono Anung-Rano Karno pair was a strategy to face the Jakarta Pilkada campaign from September 25 to November 23, 2024.

Through adjusting and adding names, they also take a cultural approach and a cultural approach so that people are closer to them.

"That Pramono Anung is Pramono Anung, not Pramana Anung. If Rano Karno is, Si Doel. It is attached to the hearts and minds of Jakarta residents. So, this is part of that strategy," he said.

According to Ujang, such practices will more or less affect electability.

However, in the context of Pramono Anung-Rano Karno everything must be seen further.

He added that there are many factors to boost electability, one of which is by relying on popularity that already exists on famous names such as Si Doel.

"So, this is indeed the practice of increasing electability. It is the same as Komeng in the 2024 Legislative Election," he said.

Previously, the Jakarta Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) questioned Si Doel's name because it was stated in the determination of the candidate pair (paslon) participating in the Jakarta Regional Election because in the previous minutes the name did not exist.

On this question, the Chairman of the Jakarta KPU Wahyu Dinata said that his party had received a decision from the court regarding the addition of the name.

Candidate for deputy governor of DKI Rano Karno is allowed to use the name "Si Doel" during campaigns and on ballot paper in the implementation of the DKI Regional Head Election (Pilkada) on November 27, 2024.

"We are clarifying the candidate for deputy governor on behalf of Rano Karno and the person concerned stated that he has the court letter in question," said Head of the Technical Division of the DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU), Dody Wijaya.

Dody said the KPU received a public response on Wednesday (18/9), which conveyed that it knew Rano Karno better through his role as Si Doel.

Therefore, the public proposes that Si Doel's name be included in the ballot.

After clarifying on Saturday, September 21, it turned out that Rano had taken care of the use of the name to the South Jakarta District Court.

"On this basis, on September 21, we will clarify the political party that proposes then to the candidate pair for deputy governor, on the 21st we were given a copy of the court determination from South Jakarta," he said.

Based on the Determination of Court Number 899/pdt.p/2024/pn.jkt.sel, it is stated that the names of Rano Karno, Haji Rano Karno, Haji Rano Karno SI.P, and Si Doel, are the names of the same person.

On this basis, the KPU received the public's response to its clarification in determining the name of the cawagub on behalf of Haji Rano Karno (Si Doel).

Rano Karno is known to the public through his role as Si Doel in the soap opera Si Doel Anak Sekolah.

There are three parties supporting the candidates for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta Pramono Anung-Rano Karno, namely the PDI-P, Hanura and Ummat.

The DKI Jakarta KPU officially appointed three candidate pairs (paslon) for governor and deputy governor of DKI Jakarta to run in the DKI Jakarta Regional Head Election (Pilkada) on Sunday, September 22.

The three candidate pairs are Pramono Anung-Rano Karno (Pram-Doel), Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (Rido) and Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana (Dharma-Kun) from independent.

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