JAKARTA - The head of the TNI Information Center, Major General TNI Hariyanto, confirmed that the Susi Air Pilot, Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, who was held hostage by the Free Papua Organization (OPM) for 1 year and 7 months, had been successfully released safely. This release is the result of good coordination between the TNI, Polri, and the Papuan people.
"We are very grateful that the hostages, Pilot Susi Air, have been successfully released safely," Hariyanto said in his statement in Jakarta, Saturday, September 21.
Hariyanto explained that from the start, the security forces were committed to prioritizing the safety of Pilot Philip in all relief efforts. The intensive negotiation process has achieved positive results, and the pilot family is also given appreciation for their patience during the hostage-taking period.
"We hope this incident does not happen again, and all parties can work together to create a peaceful situation in Papua," he added.
Hariyanto also emphasized that the TNI will continue to be committed to maintaining security in the Papua region and taking firm action against any threats that disrupt national security and stability.
Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens has been held hostage since February 7, 2023 by the OPM/Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya in Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains. The OPM demanded several things from the government in an effort to release the hostages, but this process finally paid off by releasing the pilot without any casualties.
The TNI, Polri, and the Papuan people worked closely together for more than a year to secure this release, showing a strong synergy in dealing with security challenges in the area.
Hariyanto hopes that in the future, proactive steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents and ensure that the Papua region remains safe and stable to support the development and welfare of the local community.
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