BOGOR Traders at Merdeka Market, Bogor can breathe a sigh of relief. This is because a gang of thugs as well as unscrupulous mass organizations who often make illegal levies (extortion) have been arrested by the Bogor City Police.

As many as five extortionists have been arrested by officers after receiving reports related to extortion practices. 1 in 5 perpetrators who were arrested were deputy heads of mass organizations in Ciomas, Bogor Regency, the initials IR. 4 other perpetrators AS, DS, KR, and NM.

Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso said the five perpetrators were arrested when members held a thuggery raid at Merdeka Market, Wednesday, September 18, early this morning.

"It is true that 5 perpetrators were arrested," said Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Bismo Teguh Prakoso in his statement, Wednesday, September 18.

The modus operandi of the perpetrators to carry out extortion is for reasons of market cleanliness. The rate set is IDR 40 thousand to IDR 100,000.

"The perpetrators collected illegally from the Merdeka Market traders with a nominal value of Rp. 40,000 to Rp. 100,000," he said.

Based on the results of the interim examination, the results of extortion are divided into two with elements from the Bogor City Environment Agency.

Pemalalakan dari anggota ormas di Ciomas bahwa uang yang dikutip dari para pedagang dikumpul kemudian dibagi hasil ke (Oknum) Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bogor. Uang yang dikutip dari pedagang dengan alasan untuk kebersihan pasar, ucapnya.

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