YOGYAKARTA Profile of Anindya Bakrie is currently in the spotlight. This is because he was elected as General Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (Kadin). The election was based on the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub) which was attended by 28 of the 34 provincial Kadin and 25 associations. The Munaslub itself was held at the St Regis Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday, September 14, 2024. Anindya has also responded to the election as chairman of KADIN through Munaslub.

Unfortunately, the appointment of Anindya Bakrie as a replacement for Arsjad Rasjid is controversial because the implementation of the KADIN Munaslub violates the legitimate Articles of Association / Bylaws (AD / ART). Apart from this, who is Anindya Bakrie?

Anindya Novyan Bakrie is an entrepreneur who was born in Jakarta on November 10, 1974. He is the eldest of three children from the couple Aburizal Bakrie and Tatty Murnitriati. The figure of Bakrie's family is indeed one of the family of entrepreneurs who is quite successful in the country.

As the son of a great Indonesian businessman, the background of the man who is familiarly called Anin is quite classy. As a child born in Jakarta, Anin studied at the elementary level at SD Triguna and then continued his first secondary education at Pangudi Luhur Middle School. However, he took top-level education in the United States, namely at Phillips Academy.

After that Anin continued his undergraduate degree education at Illinois Northwestern University. On that campus he won a bachelor's degree with a focus on Industrial Engineering. After that, Anin continued his Masters Masters Masters Study program at Stanford School with the Global Management Experience (GMIX) program.

While in the United States, Anin did a lot of things. For example, he had become a student appointment to be able to take education at Stanford Business School. He made this effort through the Bakrie Center Foundation.

Despite being known as an entrepreneur, Anindya Bakrie's career in America actually started with investment banking. He became a banking investment in the United States of the United States. However, he did this role shortly because his father then asked his eldest son to return to Indonesia after the 1998 riots subsided.

Anin's return to Indonesia was immediately greeted by a position in PT Bakrie & Brothers as Deputy President Director and Managing Director.

Anindyaa Bakrie's track record in the media business started in 2002. That year he joined the Cakrawala Andalas Televisi (ANTV) company. At the company, Anin succeeded in bringing ANTV in good condition. He is also considered an important figure in the company because his business instincts were quite successful in bringing ANTV to its best condition at that time.

Forbes then reported Anin's purchase of Lativi Media Karya television station which was in debt and a series of other problems. The purchase was made in 2007 from businessman and former Minister of Manpower Abdul Latief. Lativi later changed his name to TV One.

Anindya Bakrie's track record in the media field is evidenced by his efforts to bring the two television stations more advanced under the parent company Visi Media Asia (VIVA). In the company, Anindya Bakrie served as President Director.

Not only in the media field, Anindya Bakrie is also known as the majority shareholder of English football club Oxford United. Even in 2022, her share ownership of the club reached 51 percent.

That's information related to Anindya Bakrie's profile. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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