PAPUA - Acting Governor of Papuavistra Limbong asked the local government (Pemda) to collect stunting data in real time to facilitate monitoring.

"I ask the local government to collect stunting data in real time to make it easier to monitor this achievement on Cenderawasih Earth," said Lokus in Jayapura, Antara, Sunday, September 15.

His party asked for collaboration and synergy to continue from the central, provincial, city district and other stakeholder levels. That way, the stunting rate in Papua Province continues to decline.

"I also ask all OPDs to collaborate with related parties to accelerate the reduction in stunting rates and ensure that all children get complete polio immunizations," he said.

For example, during a working visit in the Kemtuk District, Jayapura Regency where the government launched food reserves and symbolic handover of aid, including 7.94 tons of rice, then provided local food packages to 80 children for stunting control and additional foodstuffs for pregnant women, including other medicines.

"Everyone must work to reduce this number because this is a national program that must be succeeded together, especially regarding the development of the Papuan generation," he said.

He added that his party also asked the agencies to collaborate to deal with stunting and polio and posyandu to continue to pay attention and provide maximum service in helping children grow and develop in Papua Province.

"For this reason, I hope that the assistance provided by the government, the community must make good use of it and always take children to the nearest posyandu in order to get stunting and polio services," he said again.

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