JAKARTA Suhendri alias Hendri, a resident of Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta who claimed to have been kidnapped by a group of people in Myanmar, is suspected of conspiring with the perpetrators to get money from his family. Hendri's family when asked about this, did not deny it.

Yohana, Hendri's family, admitted that they had sent Rp5.5 million after the request. Yohana said, the nominal was sent at different times.

First, 4 million, but I forgot what date, what day, because it was also quite long. Two days later 1.5 million. And two days later he kept asking for more money," said Yohana when confirmed, Wednesday, September 11.

Yohana admitted that there was a slight suspicion that his family was only being used. Moreover, Hendri never sent video and photo evidence due to the confinement incident.

Suspicion grew stronger when Hendri's family reported to Polda Metro Jaya. Yohana said the police had handled a similar case where the victim and perpetrator worked together to get some money.

"I had time to report it to the Regional Police. The police at the Regional Police said something like that. Because he had handled a similar case, it turned out that this victim was collaborating with the kidnappers to blackmail his family. What he was afraid of was the same," he said.

"But how, as a family, it went wrong. Hendri called every crying call," he continued.

After thinking further, Yohana was sure that Hendri would not take the action. Because according to Yohana, Hendri has a responsible personality, and is aware that his parents are not from the economic circle and above.

"The child is not adventurous (strange). It's not strange. He's really the backbone. His father signed a motorcycle taxi, it seems impossible. It's impossible if he wants to lie to his family," concluded Yohana.

Kasubdit Kawasan Asia Tenggara Direktorat Perlindungan WNI (PWNI) Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemenlu) Rina Komaria ketika dihubungi VOI, Rabu 11 September mengatakan kalau pihaknya masih melakukan Upaya.

"Yes, we are still trying", said Rina Komaria in a text message to VOI.

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