SOUTH KALIMANTAN - Police are investigating reports of alleged threats by the Head of the South Kalimantan Education and Culture Office (Kadisdikbud) Muhammadun alias Madun against the coordinator of the demonstration "Dismiss Madun" named Aliansyah.

The demonstration took place at the South Kalimantan Governor's Office in Banjarbaru, Friday, September 6.

"It is true that we have just received a report about it, it is still being investigated," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol. Erick Frendriz in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Tuesday, September 10, as reported by Antara.

According to him, an investigation was carried out to ensure that the case report was in the realm of criminal acts or not.

Moreover, the report received stated that the threatening information was by telephone, so the Police had to prove who the caller was and other evidence.

"So we have to prove it first, this process is still long," he said.

Meanwhile, Aliansyah accompanied by his attorney Budi Khairannoor urged the South Kalimantan Police to process the report submitted by his party. According to him, it is clear that there has been a threat that endangers the safety of his client's life.

"It is not good for an official head to say such threatening words, this is immoral in his communication," Budi said when met at the South Kalimantan Police after making a police report.

To strengthen his report, Aliansyah and her lawyer submitted evidence of Madun's threatening voice recordings to her.

Budi also said that his party had tracked down the WhatsApp phone number used to threaten, namely Sirajudin, who is an aide to the Head of Education and Culture of South Kalimantan.

The threatening case was the aftermath of a demonstration conducted by Aliansyah with a combination of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) demanding that Madun be removed after expelling Amalia Wahyuni, an honorary teacher at a vocational school in Banjarbaru at a coordination meeting of vocational high school (SMK) teachers at a five-star hotel in Banjarmasin last week.

Amalia was expelled after reprimanding Madun, who smoked and sandals when he entered the event room. Not accepting that he was expelled, Amalia then uploaded a video venting about Madun's behavior on social media until the video went viral inviting various public reactions.

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