CIANJUR - The Cianjur Police Criminal Investigation Unit, West Java, arrested five suspects in the murder of a punk boy, RA (32), whose body was found burnt on Jalan Raya Cibeber on Thursday, 1 August. The perpetrators had fled to Banten.

Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Rohman Yongky Dilatha said three of the suspects were underage and two were adults.

The perpetrators were arrested this week after the Cianjur Police coordinated with West Java Regional Police.

‘Of the five suspects, three are minors, two adults, one of whom is a woman, the suspect's statement committed the murder because he was hurt by the victim who allegedly stole the suspect's piggy bank,’ he said in Cianjur, Antara, Tuesday, 10 September.

The disclosure of the murder case that had shocked residents of Cibeber Subdistrict after the police carried out development and received information from a number of witnesses who had seen the five suspects.

Finally, the officers pocketed the identity of the perpetrators and immediately deployed members to conduct a chase.

‘The suspects will be charged with Article 170 (1), (2) and (3) of the Criminal Code and Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison and a maximum of life imprisonment,’ he said.

In front of the officers, the suspects admitted that they were upset and hurt by the victim who stole the money in the piggy bank that they saved for their common needs. The victim had argued that he did not steal so a fight broke out.

‘They admitted that the money they saved in the piggy bank was missing and the victim did not admit to stealing, so there was an argument and a fight until finally the victim was found dead with stab wounds and burns, they are a hangout,’ said Rohman.

Residents of Cibeber Subdistrict were shocked by the discovery of the body of a man dressed as a punk child with part of his body burned and full of wounds on Thursday (1/8) lying on the side of the main road south of Cianjur.

Residents reported this to the police who immediately came to the location, after carrying out crime scene processing, officers took the body of the alleged murder victim to RSUD Sayang Cianjur for autopsy purposes.

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