JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla (JK) feel that he does not need to participate in winning the candidate pair for Governor-Deputy Governor of Jakarta, Pramono Anung-Rano Karno in the Jakarta Pilkada.
According to JK, Pramono-Rano needs more people who can campaign to meet the community. This was revealed by JK at his residence, after Pramono-Rano met to stay in touch and asked for advice in participating in the Jakarta gubernatorial election contestation.
"He doesn't need it like me, he needs someone who can work in the field. I can no longer be in the field," said JK at his residence, Monday, September 9.
When asked whether to announce the provision of support to Pramono-Rano, JK did not answer firmly. JK only revealed that Pramono-Rano was a good election candidate.
"For me, which one is the best, and I think he is a good person," he said.
The meeting between JK and Pramono-Rano lasted less than an hour. JK's warm welcome was seen from the meeting at home until he was willing to take Pramono to his car on his way home.
A few days ago, the Jakarta cagub-cawagub pair Ridwan Kamil-Suswono also visited JK's residence, last Thursday, September 5.
JK admitted to giving advice to the two prospective pairs. However, JK admitted that he preferred the chat with Pramono-Rano over RK-Suswono.
"Yes, (the advice) is almost the same (with RK-Suswono), only this (Pramono-Rano) is better," said the Chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).
JK considers his meeting with Pramono and Rano more like chatting with old friends. This is because JK has known Pramono since JK became Vice President of the era of President SBY and Pramono as Member of the Indonesian Parliament.
"Pak Pram is an old friend that we have worked with in the government for 20 years. He certainly didn't explode like Ahok. But, he is a hard worker, I guarantee that. He is an engineer, so he must have the ability," he added.
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