JAKARTA Preparation for the 2025 National Press Day (HPN) is getting more intensive after the Governor of South Kalimantan (Kalsel), Muhidin, expressed full support for the event to be held in Banjarmasin.

The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, immediately instructed the central committee to move quickly.

"The Central HPN team must start working next week. Focus on technical matters, coordinate with the South Kalimantan PWI and the South Kalimantan Provincial Government. We only have a month left," said Hendry at the 2025 HPN Implementing Committee meeting in Jakarta, Friday, January 3.

This meeting was attended by the Chairman of PWI South Kalimantan Zainal Hilmie, South Kalimantan PWI Secretary Toto Fachrudin, and South Kalimantan Provincial Government Kominfo Head Muhamad Muslim. The head of the 2025 HPN Panpel, Raja Pane, led a discussion discussing the PWI South Kalimantan audience with the Governor Muhidin the day before.

Zainal Hilmie said that Governor Muhidin was fully committed to the success of the 2025 HPN. "The governor supports the entire series of HPN activities, even hopes that this event will have a positive impact on the development of South Kalimantan, especially in agriculture, MSMEs, and press life," he said.

The Head of the South Kalimantan Communications and Information Office, Muhamad Muslim, emphasized the governor's message that the 2025 HPN must make a real contribution to the community.

The General Chairperson of the Central PWI, Hendry Ch Bangun, is optimistic that this event will be a success, especially with the plan to attend President Prabowo and Vice President Gibran. "We must continue to work hard, prepare everything, and keep praying," he said.

Since its establishment last October, the 2025 HPN Committee has designed various activities, ranging from the Adinegoro journalistic award, press exhibitions, national seminars entitled Prabowonomics, to the action of journalists planting on five hectares of land. One of the unique activities is the nutritious planting and eating movement with the President and Vice President.

The 2025 HPN team immediately went to Banjarmasin to ensure that everything went according to plan. The meeting also highlighted technical challenges, including the preparation of 15 stage peak events, the inauguration of regents and mayors, to the MSME exhibition.

"In principle, the peak event will be pursued on February 9, but we must adjust to the national agenda," said Hendry.

The chairman of the Panpel, Raja Pane, hopes that the 2025 HPN in South Kalimantan will be an important momentum to strengthen the friendship between members of the press from all over Indonesia. "We want this event not only to be a celebration, but also to bring tangible benefits to the host area," he concluded.

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