JAKARTA - Minister of Environment (LH) Hanif Faisol Nurofiq said in the next few months he would issue coercion in improving the management of landfills (TPA) that carry out open dumping.
"I am targeting January, February, all open dumpings must have been issued by the government from the minister. With coercion, the government has a schedule that must be kept, otherwise it will be subject to civil and criminal charges," said Minister LH Hanif as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 6.
Efforts to coercion and the closure of the TPA that are still operating are not to scare related parties, but to change the mindset given the impact it has on the environment.
"One of the impacts is lindi water in various TPAs because it contains concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds," he said.
According to him, the issuance of government forces is in accordance with the duties of the Ministry of Environment and Environment Control Agency (BPLH) to control the environment, to support the implementation of waste management at the local government level so that it can run properly for a healthy environment.
He reminded that waste management efforts must start not only from the government but also from changing people's habits and mindsets. With this combination, efforts to reduce and manage the expected waste can be realized.
"Starting from building in the community downstream. It's all there, we just have to be serious about not implementing it. That's not impossible," he said.
Previously, KLH/BPLH controlled illegal TPA which was still carrying out open waste disposal and burning, including the Limo wild TPA in Depok, West Java, in November 2024 which had been operating since 2009.
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