East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police (Polda NTT) handed over the case files of seven suspects in the case of the Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) of five foreign nationals (WNA) from China.
"For the development of the smuggling case, the suspects have been handed over to the Prosecutor's Office (High Prosecutor's Office) of NTT," said Head of Public Relations of the NT Police, Kombes Pol Ariasandy, to reporters in Kupang, Monday, September 9, as reported by Antara.
Ariasandy said this case involved seven suspects including six Indonesian citizens and one foreigner, namely MA (51), RM (40), AB (32), MS (47), JL (43), and BT (29), as well as foreigners from China, Jiang Xiao Jia (38), while the five victims were Chinese foreigners.
In addition to the suspect, the NTT Police also submitted evidence in the form of a small green ship unit made of wood, as well as six passports belonging to Chinese foreigners (one perpetrator and five victims).
Ariasandy explained that the second stage was handed over, carried out after the case file was declared complete (P21) by the NTT Prosecutor's Office.
According to him, the handling of this case began on May 10, 2024 when investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit (TPPO) of the Ditreskrimum Polda NTT conducted an intensive investigation related to human smuggling.
Based on a letter from the NTT High Prosecutor's Office Number B2639/N.3.1/Etl.1/09/2024 and B-2640/N.3.1/EtI.1/09/2024, criminal cases on behalf of the suspects Jiang Xiao Jia and Jamaludin and their colleagues have been declared complete.
The suspects will soon be tried on charges of violating Article 120 of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code, and/or Article 122 letter b of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
"With this submission, all suspects are ready to face the trial process for the crime of human smuggling," concluded Kombes Ariasandy.
This case, he said, is in the public spotlight considering that human smuggling is a serious crime that involves cross-border.
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