JAKARTA - Venezuelan government said opposition presidential candidate▁olahyo Gonz Badminton had left his country, seeking asylum in Spain.

Gonz Yahlez is considered to have gone into hiding after an arrest warrant was issued. This happened as a result of the opposition team denying the results of the July presidential election - in which the government-controlled National Election Council (CNE) declared Nicolwas Maduro the winner.

Reporting from the BBC, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodrxiguez said in a post on social media that after "voluntarily" seeking refuge at the Spanish embassy in Caracas a few days ago, Gonzalez asked the Spanish government for political asylum.

He added that Carcas had agreed to his safe journey and that he had left. Spanish Foreign Minister Manuel Albares said Gonz Marijuelz had left his country at his own request, and on a Spanish Air Force plane.

He added that the Spanish government is committed to the political rights of all Venezuelans. GonzISHlez's lawyers confirmed to the AFP news agency that he had left the country for Spain, but gave no further information.

Venezuela has been experiencing a political crisis since authorities declared President Maduro the winner of the general election on July 28.

Opposition claims to have evidence that Gonzanitlez won by a sizeable margin of votes, and posted a detailed vote tally to the internet showing that Gonz Rightlez beat Maduro convincingly.

A number of countries, including the United States, the European Union, and several Latin American countries, have refused to recognize President Maduro as the winner without Caracas releasing detailed voting data.

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