JAKARTA - The Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) of Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province together with the community and police officers in Alor buried 17 pilot whale mammals (Globicephala macrorhynchus) after being found dead stranded on the coast of Liliweri.

"So what is true after checking the truth is that only 17 pilot whales were found stranded and died from previous information that 50 were stranded," said Head of the NTT DKP Branch in Alor Saleh Goro, ANTARA, Sunday, September 8.

This was conveyed by him related to the development of the results of checking stranded whale mammals on the coast of Liliweri, in Alor Regency.

He explained that when a team from the DKP and police officers arrived at the stranded location of a number of whales, the team found the whale was already in a floating position and was dead.

In some parts of his body, there were injuries due to coral friction on the coast of Liliweri where the whale was stranded.

"17 whales that have died with a distance of about 10 to 15 meters each," he added.

His party suspects another dead mammal has been swept away by the current and waves into the middle of the ocean at night as high tides rise.

He added that before being buried, his party took samples from the pilot whale carcass to be handed over to the UPTD for Management of the Alor Islands and Sea Waters Parks. Around it to be sent to the Laboratory in Bali for research on the cause of death of the whale.

Saleh added that when handling the stranded whales, the Head of the Pureman Sector Police Post had coordinated with the Head of PSDKP UPTD Wediawati Djakaria regarding the SOP for Handling Mamalia Stranded and the Sampling Engineering and conveyed to the public not to be consumed to prevent unwanted things.

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