BANJARMASIN - The South Kalimantan Animal, Fish, and Plant Quarantine Center (Karantina) through the Syamsudin Noor Airport Service Unit again secured products from protected animals, namely 200 turtle eggs and 1 preserved turtle. The head of the South Kalimantan Quarantine, Sudirman, explained that the turtle eggs and turtles are planned to be sent to Jakarta via Syamsudin Noor Airport. However, this was thwarted thanks to good collaboration and synergy with Avsec PT. Angkasa Pura Logistics. "In addition to not being reported to quarantine officers, and not accompanied by required documents, turtles included in the Appendix I CITES list should not just be trafficked. This is because turtles are one of the endangered and fully protected animals," said Sudirman in Banjarmasin, Thursday, September 5. He explained that Government Regulation Number 7 of 1999 concerning Preservation of Plant and Animal Types states a prohibition against all forms of turtle trade, both alive, dead, and body parts. "The same thing is also stated in Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems which states a prohibition on all species of turtles and eggs to be kept, traded, or consumed," he added. The detention of the two animal products began when Avsec officers were conducting routine checks on items to be sent using an X-ray machine, on Sundays (1/9) and Tuesdays (3/9). After it was discovered that there was a box containing turtle eggs and preserved turtles, Avsec then submitted the findings to the quarantine officer. "The delivery of wild/angka plants/animals that have not been reported to quarantine officers at the income/expension area is a violation of Law Number 21 of 2019 concerning Animal, Fish and Plant Quarantine. For now, further investigation is being carried out against the owner of the goods," said Sudirman. Previously, officers also secured a number of protected animal products in the form of pari fins, sea horses, and dried sea cucumbers.
Quarantine continues to play an active role in efforts to preserve biological natural resources through supervision and/or control of wild/angka plants and animals that are trafficked both between areas and sent abroad.

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