The police have named 350 suspects in the theft of palm oil belonging to a number of companies investing in Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng).

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol. Erlan Munaji, said that his party had made various efforts to reduce the number of theft of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) for oil palm, starting from appeals to decisive measures to the perpetrators.

"By 2024, the Central Kalimantan Police have handled 175 cases of theft of palm oil FFB with a total number of 350 suspects," said Erlan Munaji in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Thursday, September 5, which was confiscated by Antara.

The police officer with the rank of jasmine three explained that of the 350 suspects, 22 of them were involved in narcotics abuse in the Seruyan and West Kotawaringin Regencies.

He appealed to the entire community not to commit unlawful acts and jointly eradicate drug trafficking in the province which has an area of twice that of Java Island.

"Let's create a safe and comfortable Central Kalimantan so that people are comfortable in carrying out activities and investing in our area," he explained.

The Central Kalimantan Police have also initiated the optimization of the Social Conflict Management Task Force (PKS) which was formed based on Law Number 7 of 2012.

"The Head of the PKS Task Force is led by the head of the regional government, both provincial and district/city," he said

The PKS Task Force is expected to be more optimal in identifying and resolving problems in the community, including conflicts related to rights and obligations between the community and the company.

"With the implementation of rights and obligations properly, it is hoped that it can prevent FFB theft," he said.

Kombes Pol Erlan also appealed to the public to maintain the Kamtibmas situation in their area and support the investment climate in Central Kalimantan, especially ahead of the 2024 Pilkada.

"Let's work together to maintain security and order in Central Kalimantan," said Erlan.

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