The South Jakarta Metro Police received a report from Atta Halilintar regarding the alleged defamation because he was accused of having an unregistered marriage with Ria Ricis.

Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, said the report was received on Wednesday night, September 4, evening. Tiktok's reported account has the initials WO.

"Yes, it's the night, brother MA alias AH came to the South Jakarta Metro Police to report the case that happened," Nurma told reporters, Thursday, September 5.

Nurma explained the evidence reported regarding Tiktok's video and the article in the video which accused Atta Halilintar of making a bet with Ria Ricis.

"There is, the video is then Tiktok, then and the writing is clear there," he said.

For the next step, his party plans to collect evidence to find out the true incident of the case.

"So for the next process, we will definitely look for the existing barbuk. We have to collect it again and then we also ask for information," he said.

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