SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parwansa invited regional heads in East Java to comply with the central policy to prohibit Eid homecoming. The central government has issued a ban on going home to prevent a surge in COVID-19 cases.

"All the policies of the central government must also be followed by the government in all regions so that those who are conducive and sloping can be protected," said Khofifah in Surabaya, Monday, March 30.

Khofifah said that the policy to ban homecoming issued by the central government is an effort to protect the community, while at the same time keeping the COVID-19 case under control. This policy was issued to learn from last year's experience, where COVID-19 cases increased sharply after the 2020 Eid holiday.

According to Khofifah, the ban on going home from the central government must have gone through careful consideration. The main thing is that each region is able to control the mobilization of people who enter the area.

"Therefore, we hope that this policy can be followed by all regions. So that the transmission of COVID-19 in each area can also be controlled," she said.

According to Khofifah, controlling the transmission of COVID-19 in East Java is the responsibility of all parties to maintain. The goal is so that COVID-19 cases do not suddenly jump dramatically.

"We are all in a position to maintain an atmosphere that has started to slope, then the positive rate has dropped. This is what everyone must protect," continued Khofifah.

Previously, the central government, through the Coordinating Minister for PMK Muhadjir Effendy, announced the ban on Eid 2021 homecoming to take effect from 6-17 May 2021. This Eid homecoming ban applies to all elements of society, from State Civil Apparatus, National Army/National Police, State-Owned Enterprises employees, private employees, independent workers, and companies, and all other communities.

The government has decided to eliminate long holidays for the Idul Fitri 2021 homecoming trip so that the COVID-19 vaccination program can run optimally. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of Indonesia (Menko PMK).

Muhadjir Effendy said the decision was effective from 6 to 17 May 2021 for the entire community. Including the State Civil Apparatus, National Army/National Police, private employees, and independent workers.

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