JAKARTA There was a very touching scene when the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque Nasaruddin Umar met Pope Francis at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Thursday, September 5. At that meeting, Nasaruddin Umar kissed Pope Francis' forehead in a wheelchair. Also, the Pope gently kissed Nasaruddin Umar's hand.

The moment came when Pope Francis departed from the Istiqlal Mosque.

Previously, for a while, the leader of the world's Catholics witnessed the use of the Gathering Tunnel which connects the Istiqlal Mosque and the Santa Maria Cathedral to Heaven, Jakarta.

"I congratulate all of you because this Gathering Tunnel can be a place for dialogue and encounters," he said while visiting the Gathering Tunnel.

According to Pope Francis, there is a philosophy behind a tunnel. Usually, the tunnel is a dark alley. However, it is different from this Gathering Tunnel.

The Silaturahim Tunnel helps people from different religious traditions to cross the darkness into a bright world.

Pope Francis hopes that the Gathering Tunnel that connects the Istiqlal Mosque and the Jakarta Cathedral Church can become a forum for religious believers to travel together and also create friendships that lead humanity to a bright world.

Nasaruddin Umar explained that the tunnel also has many artistic symbols and symbolizes religious tolerance in Indonesia. The tunnel is not only a bridge for Muslims and Catholics, but also for mankind.

Previously, Pope Francis revealed that in this world there were no two drops of water that humans experienced, nor were their brothers and sisters, and even their twin brothers and water drops were not identical at all.

This expression about the two drops of water depicts the perfect sisterhood conveyed by Holy Father Francis in an audience with bishops, romo, monks and monks, seminarists and preachers at the Jakarta Cathedral Church Building, Wednesday, September 4.

Living a sister, among other things means welcoming each other, admitting each other is equal in differences. This value is also familiar with the Indonesian Church," said Pope Francis.

Pope Francis continued, this brotherhood has been shown by the Indonesian Church with an open attitude to culture, social ethnicity and religion from within and outside. The Indonesian Church, said the Pope, has also appreciated the contribution of everyone and has been generous in offering assistance in every situation.

According to Pope Francis, this attitude is important because reporting the Bible does not mean imposing faith or contradicting it with the faith of others. Reporting the Bible must always be with an attitude of appreciation and brotherhood for all people.

I was impressed with one attitude, namely hand in hand as stated by Father Maxi. These are the prophets of unity, when this world is driven by dividing tendencies, forcing and provoking each other continues to increase. You know what divides? It's all of course the work of the devil. So be careful! " said Pope Francis.

On that occasion, Pope Francis also expressed his love, which is closely related to brotherhood. For the Pope, affection is not giving alms to brothers and sisters who need it, looking at them from our own guardian'' security and success.

"On the other hand, affection means getting closer to each other, eliminating everything that can prevent us from degrading and touching those who fall, lifting them up and giving them hope," the Pope said.

Lastly, Pope Francis pushes us to remain strong in faith, open to all in brotherhood, and close to each other in love.

I bless you and thank you for all the kindness you do every day! I will pray for you and I beg, please, pray for me too. Thank you," Pope Francis concluded.

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