TANGERANG - The man with the initials SY (48) was found dead hanging himself in a soccer field goal on Jalan Kalisabi, Uwung Jaya, Cibodas District, Tangerang City.

Jatiuwung Police Chief, Kompol Rabiin confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Thursday, September 5, at 06.00 WIB

"It was found this morning at 06.00 WIB," Rabiin said when confirmed, Thursday, September 5.

Rabiin explained that the incident was discovered when the residents of Kalisabi intended to play football in the morning. When he arrived at the Rawacana Gandasari football field, it turned out that there was a man hanging from a rope tied to his neck.

Then the resident reported to the category regarding the presence of a man who committed suicide on the football field.

"After we got the report from the residents, we went straight to the crime scene. We processed the crime scene, we called the identification team," he said.

Furthermore, the police then contacted the family after finding a number of telephone numbers in the victim's bag.

"Currently, the family is being questioned as to why the deceased hanged himself and the body is being taken to the Tangerang Hospital," he said

Regarding the motive for the victim to take this action, he could not convey it. Because the family is still in a state of mourning.

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