JAKARTA - The government is making various efforts to deal with the corona virus or COVID-19 attack, which is increasingly spreading in Indonesia. Among them are various incentives for affected sectors to cuts in official travel of ministries and agencies. However, the steps taken by the government are considered insufficient.

Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) senior economist, Faisal Basri, asked the government to stop the ongoing construction project for the new capital city in East Kalimantan. So, thus the government can focus on handling COVID-19.

"What is lacking is a high sense of crisis. What I imagine is that tax revenues will decrease, the need is so much. So announce, don't cut official travel, but stop the capital city project first. Next 5 years. Because it's not just money, but attention, "said Faisal, in a video conference with journalists, in Jakarta, Friday, March 27.

Faisal Basri encouraged all the government's capabilities to be spent in dealing with this problem. So, many Indonesians can survive the COVID-19 attack, and the virus distribution curve can be gentle.

Currently, said Faisal, Indonesia needs the support of all parties to fight against an unseen enemy. Therefore, the government needs to focus on reducing the spread of COVID-19.

"Forget the things that we can postpone for the next 5 years and then we realize now that human development is very important. What does it mean that the New Capital is great, but the community is vulnerable. We have to think about a new Indonesian development model. The approach is new," he explained.

Not only that, Faisal also highlighted the draft Omnibus Law on Job Creation that the government had submitted to the DPR. As is well known, President Joko Widodo ordered the completion in a short period of time, as a gift for Eid.

Withdraw the Omnibus Law Bill

Faisal asked that the bill be repealed so that it would be more focused on dealing with the COVID-19 problem. In addition, to strengthen social solidarity. This is because this bill was rejected by workers and workers.

"Then the second is to strengthen social solidarity, the Job Creation Bill is withdrawn. We have to make a collective effort against an enemy who we don't know what logistics it takes," he said.

However, Faisal still welcomed the steps currently being taken by the government, such as in preparing food supplies and budgeting funds. However, there is still a need for collective responsibility in fighting COVID-19 not only by the government.

"I respect the Ministry of Finance, it looks like they are more ready to allocate funds in unlimited quotes, yes, although it is still limited," he explained.

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