JAKARTA - Former detainee of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Detention Center, Elviyanto said there was money that had to be deposited with officers if they did not want to undergo an isolation period. Elviyanto is a private party convicted in the bribery case for managing garlic imports. He was presented by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) in the trial of alleged illegal levies (extortion) at the KPK Detention Center. It started when the prosecutor explored the isolation period that the detainees had to undergo in accordance with procedures or regulations. At that time, Elviyanto only said that he had served two weeks. "What do you know is how long the isolation period is in accordance with the rules?" asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Monday, September 2. "At that time I ran for two weeks," Elviyanto replied. Regarding the isolation period according to Elviyanto's rules, he did not answer. Instead, he said that there were detainees who only served one or two days. "In the end, you know how much isolation period is in accordance with the rules?" said the prosecutor. "Yes, there is even no isolation, one or two days there is," he said. "Ada yang satu dua hari sudah keluar gitu?" tanya jaksa memastikan yang kemudian diamini Elviyanto. Hearing this testimony, the prosecutor questioned what underlies the difference in the period or duration of isolation of each detainee. Elviyanto then said that the two-week isolation period was due to refusing to pay dues to the KPK prison officers. This was stated in the Elviyanto Minutes of Investigation (BAP) which stated that if a detainee informed the officers that there was a fee that had to be paid. "His Majesty's permission at BAP No. 10 His Majesty, 'In less than a week there was a prisoner named Zainal Nur who came to you' right?" asked the prosecutor. "And conveying 'here there is an obligation of fees to be paid to officers'? continued the prosecutor. "Yes," said Elviyanto. "This officer is a prison officer?" asked the prosecutor confirming that Elviyanto immediately agreed. Meanwhile, former Head of the KPK Detention Center Achmad Fauzi along with 14 former KPK prison employees were charged with extortion of Rp. 6.3 billion. The defendants involved in extortion include the former Acting Head of the 2018 KPK Detention Center Deden Rochendi, former Acting Head of the 2021 KPK Detention Center Ristanta and the Head of Security and Order (Kamtib) of the KPK in 2018-2022, Hengki. Then the former officers at the KPK detention center, namely Erlangga Permana, Sopian Hadi, Ari Rahman Hakim, Muhammad Ridwan, Mahdi Aris, Suharlan, Ricky Rachmawanto, Wardoyo, Muhammad Abduh, and Ramadhan Ubaidillah A.
They are said to have committed extortion at the KPK detention center from May 2019 to May 2023. They are considered to have violated their authority to gain personal gain. In this case, the defendants are believed to have violated Article 12 letter e of the Corruption Crime Law in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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