University of General Sudirman (Unsoed) law expert Purwokerto Prof Hibnu Nugroho criticized the decision to temporarily suspend the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Diponegoro University by Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang.

To issue a temporary suspension letter, he said, it must be based on internal research and an evaluation mechanism involving all relevant parties.

"You can't 'jug-ujug' (suddenly, ed.). There should be clarification first. If this is an authoritarian name and it must be fought," he said when confirmed in Semarang, Saturday.

Hibnu's opinion was conveyed after the issuance of the letter number KP.04.06/D.X/7465/2024 regarding the temporary suspension of clinical activities addressed to Dr. dr. Yan Wisnu Prajoko, M.Kes, Sp.B, Supsp.Onk(K) who is also the Dean of FK Undip.

The letter was signed by the President Director of Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang, Dr. Agus Akhmadi, M.Kes on August 28, 2024.

In the letter it was written, "Following up on the letter of the Director General of Health Services Number TK.02.02/D/44137/2024 dated August 14, 2024 regarding the Dismissal of the Diponegoro University Anesthesion Program at Kariadi Hospital and based on the alleged case of bullying in the PPDS for the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program".

"Together, it was stated that your clinical activity was temporarily suspended to avoid conflicts of interest until the process of handling the case was completed," he said.

This means that the suspension or temporary suspension of the practice of doctor Yan Wisnu at Dr. Kariadi Hospital is the aftermath of the death of a student of the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS), doctor Aulia Risma Lestari, who is still in the process of being investigated.

He considered that the incident experienced by the Dean of FK Undip who is also an oncology surgeon was similar to the conditions experienced by the Dean of FK, Universitas Airlangga (Unir) Surabaya, Budi Santoso.

Based on media reports, he said, Prof. Budi was removed from his position by the rector after speaking out loud against the Ministry of Health's plan to bring in foreign doctors with practices in Indonesia.

"This is the same thing (with the case of stopping the Dean of FK Unair)," he said.

Legally, Hibnu suggested that Undip could file a lawsuit through the Semarang State Administrative Court (PTUN).

"Undip's community should be compact. This must be fought for, one of which is through the Administrative Court," he said.

Regarding the essence of the problem of the cause of the death of PPDS student Undip, doctor Aulia Risma, he said, the process was under the authority of the police.

Because, he said, the problem was included in the criminal realm, while the Ministry of Health only had administrative capacity.

"So you can't justify through the media," he said.

In addition, Hibnu also asked all academic community to fight the practice of bullying so that there needs to be an evaluation in an effort to make improvements.

"If it is true that (there was bullying, ed.) occurs, then there must be improvement. But when there is not enough evidence, then don't be too early to lead the opinion that bullying occurs, let alone the alleged suicide," he said.

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