DENPASAR - Chairman of the Bali PDI-P DPD Wayan Koster when registering for the Bali Pilkada admitted that Bali's infrastructure as a world tourism destination was still lagging behind.
"Actually, Bali is very lagging behind in infrastructure, especially in a position as the world's main tourist destination, Bali is very lagging behind, it has long been left behind in infrastructure matters," he said in response to the plan of the opposing camp to build an airport in North Bali in Denpasar, Thursday, August 29.
Together with deputy governor Giri Prasta, he also offered that in the future, if elected, he would seriously build infrastructure, especially transportation to meet the needs of local communities and tourism.
Wayan Koster, who previously served as Governor of Bali 2018-2023, said that when he led, land, sea and air infrastructure development had actually been carried out, but in the future this was not enough.
Therefore, he and Giri Prasta promised to build infrastructure and strategic infrastructure, organize Balinese tourism in a fundamental and comprehensive manner.
In addition, the candidate pairs promoted by the PDI-P and the eight political parties alluded to the inequality of development between the northern part of Bali and the south, then the east and the west, which made more than 60 percent of the economy only rotate in southern Bali.
According to him, this is what makes the economy very lagging behind in the northern, western, and eastern parts, and this equitable cannot only be built with discourse.
"It must concretely grow new economic growth centers, which are in East, North and West Bali, but what is our plan, it cannot be opened here now," said Koster.
For him, the effort to build a center for economic growth in Bali is to balance development between regions in Bali, so that people can enjoy the results of development that is more just.
He emphasized that if elected for the second period in the Bali Pilkada, it would complete the previous program which was oriented towards the universal development pattern, planning to lead to a new era of Bali, becoming in the Bali space of the new era.
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