JAKARTA - Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris outperformed Republican Donald Trump with a 45 percent vote compared to 41 percent in the Reuters/Ipsos poll.

As reported by Reuters on Thursday, August 29, this survey shows that the vice president of the United States (US) has sparked renewed enthusiasm among voters ahead of the US election on November 5.

The 4 percentage-point advantage among the respondents was greater than Harris's 1-point lead over the former president in a Reuters/Ipsos poll at the end of July.

The new poll, conducted in eight days ending on Wednesday. A 2 percent margin error survey shows Harris gained support from women and Hispanics.

Harris outperforms Trump with a 49 percent vote compared to 36 percent - or 13 percent - both among female and hyspanical voters.

National surveys including Reuters/Ipsos provide important signals about voter views, state-by-state Electoral College results determine the winner, with several battlefield states likely to be decisive.

In the seven most stringent states of 2020 elections - Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan, and Nevada - Trump have a 45 percent advantage over Harris among polled voters.

"It's clear that running against Harris is more challenging for Trump given these changes in numbers, but that's certainly not impossible," said Matt Wolking, a Republican campaign strategist who handled Trump's 2020 campaign.

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