TANGERANG Cancels Running for Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang (Tangsel), Marshel Widianto admits that he only spends IDR 500 thousand.

"The campaign, we have run out of Rp. 500 thousand," said Marshel at the Gerindra DPC, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Wednesday, August 28.

In addition, he also only makes free content for Business, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in South Tangerang. So that not much money is spent.

"Supporting MSMEs and also for content. If I'm not mistaken, there are 3 contents," he said.

Although he did not advance in the Pilkada contestants in South Tangerang, he admitted that he felt that he did not lose money. Because for him, what he did while socializing in South Tangerang was not in vain.

Because according to him, everything that was heard in the community had been conveyed by Benjamin Davnie and Pilar Saga Ichsan.

"But it was not in vain. Because it became an inventory for Mr. Benjamin and Pak Pilar for South Tangerang to be even more advanced," he said.

Previously, the Deputy Mayor, Marhsel Widianto from the Gerindra Party changed course by supporting the candidate pair Benyamin Davnie and Pilar Saga Ichsan as Candidates for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang (Tangsel).

This decision was conveyed by Marshel after holding a meeting with a number of parties at the Gerindra South Tangerang (Tangsel) and Ahmad Riza Patria (Ariza) offices who withdrew from the nomination of the Mayor of South Tangerang.

"Today I represent the Gerindra Party and Bang Ariza Patria, and also myself want to express my full support for the pair Benjamin Davnie and Pilar, this is arguably a success from Mr. Benjamin," Marshel told reporters at the South Tangerang Gerindra DPC office, Wednesday, August 28.

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