SEMARANG - The candidate pair for mayor and deputy mayor of Semarang Yoyok Sukawi-Joko Santoso has registered to participate in the 2024 Semarang City Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

Apart from Yoyok and Joko, it appears that they are present at the leadership of the supporting political parties, such as the Democratic Party, Gerindra Party, National Awakening Party (PKB), Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), National Mandate Party (PAN), United Development Party (PPP).

Also present were the leadership of the Golkar Party, the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), and the NasDem Party which also supported the Yoyok-Joko pair.

The leaders of non-parliamentary political parties who had previously declared themselves to support the Yoyok-Joko pair were also present, namely the Labor Party, the Indonesian Gelora Party, the Hanura Party, the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Nusantara Awakening Party, the Garuda Party, and the Perindo Party.

Apart from the ranks of political parties, Yoyok Sukawi's father, Sukawi Sutarip who is also the former Mayor of Semarang, along with his wife, was seen attending the election nomination registration.

Semarang City KPU chairman Ahmad Zaini in his speech said that the Yoyok-Joko pair were the first candidates for mayor and deputy mayor to register.

"We will receive files from the supporting party. We will check the files with documents which we will then convey whether they are complete or not," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 28.

"After it is complete, we will give the minutes of receipt, and recommendations for medical examinations at the (RS) hospital," he continued.

Zaini hopes that all stages of the 2024 Semarang City Pilkada can run safely, smoothly, in an orderly manner, and in accordance with the "tagline" of the regional elections, namely "Guyub lan Migunani".

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DPC of the Semarang City Democratic Party, Wahyoe Winarto, said that his party was grateful to all ranks of the coalition political parties who had brought the Yoyok-Joko pair to register.

"Our arrival was to take Mas Yoyok and Joko to take part in the regional elections, as well as deliver files that will be able to complete the registration process," said Liluk, his nickname.

Yoyok is a member of the DPR from the Democratic Party who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PSIS Semarang. Meanwhile, Joko Santoso is the Chairman of the Gerindra Party DPC Semarang City, as well as a member of the Semarang City DPRD.

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