JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo appealed to improved health and security protocols during the implementation of the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) in Nusa Dua, Bali. on 1– 3 September 2024. This was conveyed by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pahala N. Mansury after a limited meeting chaired by President Jokowi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 27. The meeting discussed the handling of monkeypox (Mpox) and the preparation of the IAF in Bali. Pahala said President Jokowi asked for the implementation of the IAF in Bali to be prepared as well as possible, starting from the arrival of the participants to the implementation of health protocols. "The President's message can also be prepared as well as possible, including at the doors and also at the entrance points to Bali and also Jakarta," said Pahala after the meeting, Antara, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 27. The World Health Organization (WHO) last week declared the Mpox outbreak on the African continent a public health emergency of international concern. "To be sure that the health protocol can also be maintained as well as possible and these things, as well as in terms of security, considering that quite a lot of heads of state are present at the forum. This is of course also a common concern," said Pahala. The 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum will be held in Bali on 1–3 September 2024 and will be held simultaneously with the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP). Pahala said that he had received confirmation of the presence of 855 participants to take part in the 2nd IAF. "Regarding the presence, we have received confirmation of the attendance of approximately 855 participants from various countries and also at the same time the IAF will be held by the Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships Forum, which is a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Bappenas, also estimated to be approximately 1,500 delegates from various countries, not only from African countries, but also from other global countries," he said. Meanwhile, he said, there were six heads of state who had confirmed their presence at the 2nd IAF, namely from Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Ghana, Liberia, Eswatini, and Zanzibar representing Tanzania. "So, the heads of state who have confirmed their presence are from Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Ghana, Liberia, Eswatini, and also Zanzibar representing Tanzania," said Pahala. Previously, Indonesia planned to raise four priority issues discussed in the 2nd IAF, which focuses on the economic sector with a target business agreement of up to 3.5 billion US dollars (around Rp54.69 trillion). "The target for private cooperation and BUMN between Indonesia and Africa is 3.5 billion US dollars. So far, it has approached 3 billion," said Pahala in Jakarta, Thursday (22/8).
The target of the business agreement is expected to be achieved through four priority issues, namely food security, energy security, health, and critical mineral resilience.

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