MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police arrested a man who trafficked methamphetamine drugs with the initials DI (28). He admitted that he was desperate to become a methamphetamine dealer on the grounds that it was the capital for his wedding reception.

Director of the NTB Regional Police Narcotics Investigation Commissioner Helmi Kwarta Kusuma Putra Rauf said DI's motive for selling crystal methamphetamine for his wedding reception was revealed from the results of the investigation.

"From his examination, this concerned admitted that he was forced to sell crystal methamphetamine to find capital for his wedding reception," Helmi said, Friday, March 26.

The suspected dealer of methamphetamine was arrested on Thursday, March 25 at his home in the Punia area, Mataram City. His arrest was based on the results of an investigation in the field.

According to Helmi, DI plays a role in controlling the distribution of crystal methamphetamine in the Punia region. The suspect ran this illicit business with three other people who were also arrested with the initials SR, DP and AZ.

"So DI and these three people were arrested at the same time but in two different locations. The location is still in the Punia area," he said.

From the results of the arrest of three of his colleagues, the police secured 2.2 grams of crystal methamphetamine. In addition, there is also corroborating evidence that the four of them are still in the same drug trafficking network in the Punia region.

"They suspect that they are still a network, seen from the digital traces on the cell phones of each of the perpetrators," said Helmi.

The police said the DI network was suspected of involving his biological brother, Igik, who is still a prisoner at the Mataram Class IIA Prison.

Igik underwent a court ruling in 2019 related to a narcotics case with a sentence of seven years in prison and a fine of IDR 800 million, a subsidiary of four months in prison. The police are now coordinating with the Class IIA Mataram Prison.

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