BOGOR - Research by the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) University on hemoglobin-grade detection technology (HB) in collaboration with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and medical device companies has produced advanced equipment without injection, but uses sensor technology.
This sensor HB measuring device will also be useful so that prospective mothers can detect their blood HB independently to avoid anemia or lack of blood as a result of the body's lack of hemoglobin. The condition of anemia when pregnant can be at risk of having stunted children.
IPB University Chancellor Arif Satria together with the researcher, Professor Irzaman's IPB Professor officially launched the easy-to-hold and usable health technology innovation on Friday, August 23.
"I tried earlier to be seen together, my HB is the same, this morning I also checked using the injected device. This is accurate," said Arif when interviewed by reporters after the launch.
According to Arif, since its launch more than one year, the Faculty of Health, IPB, has won ninth place in Indonesia. This achievement can be fast because of different and completely new innovation products. One of them is the HB sensor measuring device.
"This will be very useful, so that when checking blood, HB, gout, there is no need to be injected sick. It is also good for pregnant women to prevent stunting," he said.
Researcher of HB measuring devices, Professor Irzaman, explained that the invasive method or using syringes or measuring devices while still injuring the skin to take blood samples often traumatizes a person.
Meanwhile, his joint research with BRIN and supported by PT Tesena Inovindo has produced enough HB-level measuring devices in the blood using light absorbed by blood and then detected by machine learning and also fast transformation, then at that time he could also see the results.
The research tool funded by the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) has been named Tesena non Invasive HB Check. Professor Irzaman also said that the HB measuring device using this sensor or broadcast has sufficient accuracy and precision.
"This tool uses batteries, so if the battery is full, God willing, it will be accurate. We want Puskesmas and personal use to use this tool," he said.
In addition to the HB sensor measuring device, IPB University also simultaneously launched a leasing herbal product from Indonesian medicinal plants with diabetes and pepet keys.
The innovation was the result of research from the Center for Biofarmaka Studies (Trop BRC) by a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FFMIPA) Professor Dyah Iswantini and the team.
In addition, there are also health innovation products, namely toothpaste that can deal with toothpaste. The 'c et chic' dental appearance was produced by a research team from the Department of Chemical Physics, the Center for Tropical Biofarmaka Studies and the IPB University Business School led by Dr Yessie Widya Sari.
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