The Mataram District Attorney (Kejari) confirmed that the inauguration of the elected West Lombok DPRD members in 2024-2029 on August 21, 2024 did not stop the investigation into the corruption case of basic thought funds (pokir) for the procurement of cow seeds for the 2020 fiscal year. "There are no obstacles regarding this (the inauguration of members of the West Lombok DPRD), the legal process continues," said Head of the Mataram Kejari Intelligence Section Harun Al Rasyid in Mataram, Thursday, August 22, confiscated by Antara. Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Mataram Kejari, Mardiyono, added that the investigation into the corruption case in the procurement of cattle seeds will continue. He said the investigation process for this case had entered its final stage, namely waiting for the title of the case. Regarding the results of the inspectorate's audit, he chose not to comment. "We can't tell you yet," he said. Previously, the Head of the Mataram Prosecutor's Office, Ivan Jaka, said that the progress of the investigation was in the search for the object of comparison from the procurement of the cow seeds. According to him, the search for a comparative object that is a requirement to calculate state financial losses has been difficult since the issuance of the Investigation Order (Sprindik) was issued on June 27, 2022. This obstacle was experienced by the Mataram Kejari even though in the development of cases supported by the NTB Inspectorate. "We have not found this comparison, so the investigation is still ongoing at the loss tracing stage," Ivan said in July 2024.
The program for distributing cow seed assistance for community groups or pokmas in West Lombok Regency comes from four packages of goods procurement work in 2020. Disbursement through the West Lombok Regency Agriculture Service with budget sources from the Pakir funds of the West Lombok DPRD. According to data from the official LPSE website of West Lombok, the package for the procurement of exotic or simmental cattle seeds has a budget ceiling of IDR 540 million. The project was carried out by a company with the initials NMU from Central Lombok Regency with an offering price of IDR 489 million. The NMU company won another tender in the second package for the procurement of bull seeds at an offering price of Rp453.6 million from a budget ceiling of Rp504 million. The third package is also the same, the NMU company appears as the winner of the tender for the procurement of goat seeds. The offering price is IDR 300 million in accordance with the package budget ceiling. The fourth package is budgeted through the 2020 Revised APBD. The procurement was carried out by the West Lombok Agriculture Service with a budget ceiling of IDR 2.24 billion for the procurement of 264 cow seeds. The tender for the procurement of the fourth package of cattle seeds was attended by 34 participants. The winner is a company with the initials BJ whose address is in Bima City with an offering price of IDR 1.97 billion.

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