JAKARTA - Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Alamsyah Hanafiah, confirmed the possession of sharp weapons in his car. But Alamsyah emphasized that the sharp weapon was only used to cut mangoes.

"It does exist to cut mangoes, there are sharp weapons," said lawyer Rizieq Shihab, Alamsyah, to reporters, Friday, March 26.

Not only were they used to cut mangoes, the two sharp weapons called lawyer Rizieq Shihab were also used to cut cars' electrification cables. According to Alamsyah, sharp weapons have been stored in the car for a long time.

"That is our preparation if cables break and so on. If I'm not mistaken, it's like a knife," he said.

"In the car from a long time ago. Yesterday the cable, the penny cable was turned on, so we stop cutting the cable first," continued Alamsyah.

Previously, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for East Jakarta Metro Police, Commissioner Indra Tarigan, said that the search for the car driven by As with police number B 2049 UBG was carried out at around 09.00 WIB, Friday 26 March.

"The witness' confession or the sopirmya (sharp weapon) was already in the car. So currently we are investigating who owns the two pieces of evidence that are in the investigator, "said Commissioner Indra.

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