JAKARTA - Crazy rich Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), Helena Lim, will undergo a trial to read the indictment of the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining business permit (IUP) area of PT Timah Tbk for the 2015 to 2022 period, today.

"The agenda for the first trial is the reading of the indictment," said the Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar, quoted on Wednesday, August 21.

The trial registered with number 71/Pid.Sus-TPK/2024/PN Jkt.Pst is planned to be held in the Courtroom Prof. Dr. H Muhammad Hatta Ali, at around 10.00 WIB.

In this case, Helena Lim as Manager of PT Quantum Skyline Exchange is said to be together with Harvey Moeis, who is an extension of PT Refined Bangka Tin, receiving a flow of corruption money in tin management worth Rp420 billion.

The corruption money received by Harvey and Helena, among others, through the tin-loging processing equipment rental program between PT Timah Tbk. with PT Refined Bangka Tin, CV Venus Inti Perkasa, PT Sariwiguna Bina Sentosa, PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa, and PT Tinindo Internusa.

The AGO had originally named 23 people as suspects in the case. Of the dozens of suspects, some of them have entered the trial stage, including Helena Lim.

"There are 8 who have gone to court," said Harli.

It was made clear that those who had entered the trial stage were Toni Tamsil alias Akhi who was the defendant of Obstruction of Justice. He was tried at the Pangkalpinang District Court.

Then, Suranto Wibowo as Head of the 2015-2019 Bangka Belitung ESDM Service; Rusbani as Acting Head of the 2019 Bangka Belitung ESDM Service; and Amir Syahbana who is the Acting Head of the Bangka Belitung ESDM Service.

Next, Harvey Moeis, whose inaugural trial was held on August 14, yesterday.

There is also the President Director (Managing Director) of PT RBT, Suparta and Director of Business Development of PT RBT, Reza Andriansyah who will soon be tried.

"It (Reza and Suparta) have been transferred to the Corruption Court but there has been no determination of the trial," he said.

For information, in this tin corruption case, it is said that it caused state losses of Rp. 300 trillion.

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