Deputy Mayor of Padang 2023-2024, Ekos Albar received an assignment from the PAN DPP to run as a candidate for deputy governor of West Sumatra to accompany the Regent of Solok Epyardi Asda in the West Sumatra gubernatorial election on November 27, 2024.

"A few days ago, I received an assignment from the PAN DPP to accompany the candidate for governor of West Sumatra, Apyardi Asda. I am ready to carry out the party's orders," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 20.

He said, actually after resigning from the stock exchange for regional head candidates in the Padang Pilkada because they did not get the desired party support, he planned not to return to politics and focus on family and work.

However, suddenly there was an assignment from the PAN DPP to him to accompany Epyardi Asda.

After careful consideration, discussing it with his family, and praying for the qisharah, he made his determination to run in the 2024 West Sumatra Pilkada.

"Maybe this is the way God has given me. Maybe my path is not the Mayor of Padang, but God willing, he will be the Deputy Governor of West Sumatra," he said.

Ekos said that he had sent ID cards to PAN, Nasdem, Golkar, and Epyardi Asda.

He has also filled out the form given by PDI-P as a condition for advancing to the West Sumatra Pilkada.

According to him, after news circulated about him becoming Epyardi's representative in the 2024 Pilkada, he received many WhatsApp calls and messages from many parties expressing support.

"Support for Tanah Datar, Agam, Payakumbuh, Limapuluh Kota, Padang Pariaman. Many also come from Padang City to provide support. This gives more enthusiasm for ya to move forward," he said.

The progress of the Epyardi Asda and Ekos Albar pair, dismissed the discourse that previously developed that the Mahyeldi-Vasko pair supported by PKS, Gerindra and several other parties would fight empty boxes.

Epyardi Asda is the Regent of Solok 2019-2024 while Ekos Albar, who comes from the Ampek Angkek Gurah Center, Agam Regency, grew and grew in Payakumbuh and Limapuluh Kota. He has also served as Deputy Mayor of Padang 2023-2024.

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