JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto's attorney, Ronny Talapesy, said that his client today is scheduled to fulfill the summons of KPK investigators to be examined as a witness in the investigation into the alleged corruption case of the construction and maintenance of the railway line at the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation.

"It's 10 am," said Ronny when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 20.

Previously, Hasto also emphasized that he would cooperate in fulfilling the summons of KPK investigators. This was conveyed by Hasto after attending the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony on August 17, 2024 at the PDIP Party School in the Lenteng Agung area, Jakarta, Saturday (17/8).

"I will be here to explain why my cellphone number can be there, as well as explain me as the secretary of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin winning team," said Hasto in the Lenteng Agung area, Jakarta.

He is committed to providing good information to investigators, including the KPK when asked about the campaign funds in the 2019 presidential election.

"Whatever the KPK asks for, including them, for example, all campaign funds are reported, I will answer well," he said.

Previously, Thursday (15/8), KPK investigators rescheduled the examination of the Secretary General of the DPP of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto on Tuesday (20/8).

"Rescheduled to August 20, 2024," said KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika when confirmed in Jakarta, Thursday.

Hasto was originally scheduled to be examined as a witness in the investigation of the alleged corruption case within the Directorate General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation (DJKA Kemenhub) on Friday (16/8) tomorrow.

However, on August 12, 2024, Hasto submitted an application to be rescheduled for Thursday. However, the request collided with the KPK investigation plan so that the person concerned was canceled today.

"It's true, Brother HK was present today to ask for a rescheduling of the examination as a witness. The reason for the application is because there is an activity schedule that cannot be abandoned on the date of the investigator's summons, namely August 16, 2024," he said.

KPK investigators and Hasto then agreed that the examination would be carried out on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

On a separate occasion, Hasto said that he failed to provide information before KPK investigators because investigators handling suspected corruption cases at the Ministry of Transportation's DJKA had other agendas.

"According to my call histori, I should have been summoned on Friday, August 16, but on August 16 there was a state speech from the president, then we also had a book review on the redness of Soekarno's teachings at the Multatuli Museum together with Mr. Airlangga Pribadi,tip Triyana, and also Mr. Rocky Gerung," said Hasto.

According to Hasto, two weeks ago he sent a letter of application to the KPK asking that his examination be submitted one day to today.

For information, the KPK is investigating a case of alleged corruption in the construction and maintenance of the railway line at DJKA, Ministry of Transportation.

The case continues to develop because corruption is suspected to have occurred at many points for the construction of railway lines, both in central Java, western part, and eastern parts; Sumatra; and Sulawesi.

The case at DJKA began with the case of PT Istana Putra Agung (IPA) Dion Renato Sugiarto who bribed the commitment-making official (PPK) at the Semarang Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Bernard Hasibuan and the Head of Class 1 BTP Semarang Putu Sumarjaya.

The case then continued to develop until development projects in West Java, Sumatra, and Sulawesi.

The bribes given varied, referring to the percentage of the project value reaching tens to hundreds of billions of rupiah.

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