JAKARTA - In an effort to eradicate online gambling practices (judol) in Indonesia, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) blocked 6,400 accounts suspected of being involved in these illegal activities, and further traced the flow of funds flowing into the account.
"We ask banks to further investigate these accounts if there are suspicious financial reports. Transactions from the indicated accounts can also be temporarily suspended," said Head of the OJK Sharia Banking Department Deden Firman Hendarsyah as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 19.
Deden said that the action to block accounts was the beginning of a broader strategy. The OJK asked banking institutions to conduct in-depth investigations into suspiciously indicated accounts.
"This step is not only to stop transactions, but also to further trace the flow of funds flowing behind the online gambling practice," he said.
He said the blocking was not only targeting individual accounts, but also institutions involved in online gambling. The biggest challenge in the process is the number of accounts related to online gambling that use fake identities or the proceeds of buying and selling accounts.
"So far, the accounts we have blocked are those used on online gambling websites," said Deden
According to him, cases of buying and selling accounts are increasingly being found, making it difficult for the authorities to track down the original identity of the account owner.
"There are almost no reports from the public who question why their accounts are blocked, making the investigation process more difficult," he said.
OJK has collaborated with related parties to determine the next steps related to the funds in the account whether they can be confiscated by the state or not.
"We cannot immediately take legal steps outside the realm of financial institutions, but we are collaborating with related parties to monitor the suspicious flow of funds," he said.
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