JAKARTA - The former convict of the plan, Jessica Kumala Wongso admitted that she still has not decided whether to visit the families of the victims Wayan Mirna Salihin or not. Because he admitted that he was still confused about his next activities after being released from his detention period. "I don't know what I'm going to do yet, so I don't know what to do in the future and whether or not I have to do that or not, I haven't, so, I haven't thought about it yet," Jessica told reporters at Senayan Avenue Golf Club Jakarta, Central Jakarta, Sunday, August 18. Furthermore, Jessica admitted that she would do recovery or healing first, rather than visiting Mirna's family. Because for him, there are still many things you want to see after breathing free air. "Because I'm still just out, I'm still looking at the streets, I want to see what's out there, what's going on. Let me healing for a moment then I'll think about the next steps, ” he said.
For information, the former convict, Jessica Kumala Wongso, has been sentenced to 20 years after being proven to have committed premeditated murder against Wayan Mirna Salahin. The murder was carried out by inserting cyanide poison into the coffee that Mirna drank. Even though it was decided for 20 years, now Jessica is actually breathing free air faster, after receiving 58 months and 30 days of remotion. Conditional release (PB) for Jesssica based on the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number PAS-1703.PK.05.09 of 2024.

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