Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Umarsyah emphasized that his special committee team would soon invite the General Chair of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar to discuss PBNU's disharmony with PKB.

The summons to Cak Imin is a follow-up to the mandate from Rais Aam PBNU to the General Chair of PBNU Yahya Cholil Staquf at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, East Java, some time ago. Where, Gus Yahya was asked to evaluate the PKB.

"We will summon the General Chairperson (Cak Imin)," said Umarsyah after the PBNU briefing to GP Ansor and Pagar Nusa in Central Jakarta, Friday, August 16.

So far, the PBNU special committee team has dug up information from a number of parties related to the PBNU conflict with PKB. Among them are former PBNU Secretary General Lukman Edy to former PKB administrator Effendy Choirie.

The PBNU Special Committee has also invited the Secretary General of the PKB DPP Hasanuddin Wahid to the PBNU office. However, Hasanuddin was reluctant to attend.

After receiving a mandate from Rais Aam, PBNU will again make efforts to resolve the feud with PKB, one of which is summoning Cak Imin. Umasyah said the follow-up was carried out in the next few days.

"We are waiting for 1-2 days. Efforts are being made to make improvements. These steps are a fixed price. Whatever the story, PBNU will make this improvement. There is no word backward," explained Umarsyah.

Umarsyah explained the cause of the mandate to Gus Yahya to evaluate PKB because the party policy led by Cak Imin has now deviated from NU's teachings.

Cak Imin is considered to have ruled out the role of the PKB Shura Council in making party strategic decisions. "Those who have shifted at this time have shifted, have shifted. No longer in the Shura Council, but in the General Chair," said the NU Santri Commander.

Previously, Cak Imin indicated that he would not fulfill the summons of the special committee team if asked to attend the PBNU office to discuss the conflict between PBNU and his party.

He emphasized that PKB and PBNU are two different entities where PKB was established based on Law (UU) Number 2 of 2011 concerning Political Parties. Meanwhile, PBNU was established based on Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations.

Therefore, Cak Imin asked PBNU not to interfere in PKB's internal affairs.

"People can already judge that there is a desire for the lust of some people at PBNU to ride to PKB. I need to say it firmly, we have a constitution. Let's use each other's constitutional rights, use the Political Party Law, use the Ormas Law. I ask that if there are various kinds of things, return to the constitution," he said.

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