The Department of Trade and Cooperative Industry (Disperindagkop) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), is optimistic that the products made by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) can improve the economy of the people in Kaltara.
Head of the North Kalimantan MSME Disperindapkop, Hasriani, said that MSME actors not only rely on raw products but can also rely on finished products to be widely marketed in Indonesia.
"It is known that currently the raw products in the Kaltara area, such as rattan, batik cloth and handicrafts, are the prima donna because they produce products that are of national quality," said Hasriani, Thursday, August 15.
"We are also optimistic that Kaltara will not only rely on marketing raw products but will also look at culinary finished products to increase the sales of MSME players in the regions," he continued.
Because culinary products also have the same potential as raw products. So we encourage MSME players to be able to upgrade local culinary products.
"Currently, local products that should be developed are Kaltara fishery products, apart from being processed into ready-to-eat culinary delights," he said.
In addition, Kaltara also has enormous marine potential by providing fishery raw materials that can be processed by MSME actors.
"We believe in all of our local products including Kaltara fisheries products, because it is very unfortunate if we continue to sell fishery raw materials without managing them first. Disperindapkop together with the Kaltara DKP continues to encourage downstream fisheries starting by producing fishery raw materials and making them into finished products such as culinary," he explained.
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