JAKARTA Yohana, a member of Suhendri alias Hendri's family who claimed to have been kidnapped by a gang of Foreign Citizens (WNA) in Myanmar, said that Hendri returned to contact his family via cellphone. Hendri asked his family for Rp. 18 million in foreign dollars, to stop his torture.
This is the second time this request, but the family also admitted that they were confused because they did not have that much money.
"He asked to send 1,000 dollars to ease his torture there, so he wouldn't get hit every day," said Yohana when confirmed, Thursday, August 15.
To Yohana, Hendri admitted that he often received torture while being detained in a room where his whereabouts were unknown. According to him, as a result of the torture, Hendri's leg was bruised by being hit with a baseball bat.
"His voice was sad, like he couldn't speak. He said he was beaten with a baseball bat," he said.
Facing this situation, Yohana admitted that she had surrendered. He has reported the incident to the authorities but there has been no progress. Moreover, the family's economic condition is mediocre, so it is impossible to redeem Hendri with hundreds of millions of money so that he can be sent home.
Surprisingly, Hendri never sent pictures or photos of his physical condition, even though he could hold his cellphone to call his family.
"No (can send a photo) because the camera access on his cellphone is covered with stickers, he said. So he can't video call or send photos," he concluded.
Yohana admitted that he had coordinated with the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon regarding Hendri's return. At that time, the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon replied that in order to get the victim out, it always ended in ransom.
"Paying the fine is the most likely for the Indonesian citizen to be released," said Yohana, imitating the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon when confirmed, Thursday, August 15.
Yohana also had time to ask whether the Indonesian government could not save Hendri. They only answered with the same words, namely that they could most likely be released by ransom.
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