JAKARTA - The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Sydney, Australia, in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Music (AIM) and Infinity Health held an 'Indonesia Music Night' on Tuesday, in the context of the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia and the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia.

Held at the AIM amphitheater, this musical performance gathered students, alumni, staff and friends of AIM. The event also features a special repertoire, a combination of classical and contemporary music that presents the hospitality and richness of Indonesian-Australian culture.

In his remarks, the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia, Sydney Vedi Kurnia Buana, emphasized the importance of people to people connection between Indonesia and Australia, in implementing the Indonesia's Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

"Tonight music is one of the best manifestations of a strong bond between our communities," he said in a written statement Thursday, August 15.

"Music is a universal language that goes beyond cultural boundaries. Through music, we can connect, understand, empathize, and collaborate," he continued.

Consul General Vedi also expressed his gratitude and appreciation to AIM and Infinity Health, for their dedication in strengthening Indonesia-Australia relations.

This message was also echoed by well-known Indonesian musicians in video messages, such as Indra Lesmana, Dwiki Dharmawan and I Wayan Balawan who are alumni and AIM partners.

They emphasize that music is a universal language that can unite parties from various backgrounds, become one of the soft media diplomacy that can open up many opportunities to collaborate with various parties, create bridges between culture and the nation, and strengthen bilateral relations between Indonesia and Australia.

Meanwhile, Head of Educational Engagement and Learning AIM Julian Gough expressed his appreciation and pride to all parties who helped realize Indonesia Music Night. "I feel proud to be able to stand here and for the first time holding this activity, in commemoration of 75 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Australia," said Julian.

The performers consisting of students, lecturers and AIM alumni who are also Indonesian citizens present songs such as; "Tanah Airku", "Benawan Solo," to popular hits "Risah Hati," "The Dewi," and "Tega".

Not only that, the event was also enlivened by the appearance of instrumental music, such as a violin solo with piano accompaniment bringing the composition of "Fantasy of Tapanuli Folksongs" by Ananda Sukarlan, to a solo piano that performed the song medley Nusantara.

Complementing a stunning musical performance, this event also provides a culinary experience that is no less special. A number of typical Indonesian dishes pamper the tongue of those present, such as klepon cake, pastel, capis and risoles, which are served to support the promotion of Indonesia Spice Up the World, a global initiative from the Government of Indonesia to introduce and promote the wealth of spices and the distinctive taste of the archipelago around the world.

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