BANDA ACEH - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) destroyed 10 thousand cannabis stems with a weight estimated at 3.5 tons on an area of two hectares in Aceh Besar District, Aceh.

The destruction took place at two points in Aceh Besar, Thursday, August 15, led by the Deputy for Eradication of BNN I Wayan Sugiri.

He said the two points of the destroyed cannabis fields, namely the location of the first land covering an area of one hectare of cannabis plants in Lamlung Village, Indrapuri District, Aceh Besar District, with a height ranging from 1 - 2 meters, with a planting distance ranging from 50 - 100 centimeters.

In this first location, at an altitude of 215 meters above sea level (MDPL) there were around 5,000 cannabis stems destroyed with a weight of 2.5 tons.

Then, in the second location also an area of one hectare of cannabis plants in Lampanah Village, Seulimeum District, Aceh Besar District, which is at an altitude of 227 MDPL, there are also 5,000 cannabis plants weighing about one ton. The height of the plant ranges from 30 - 210 centimeters with a planting distance of between 40 - 60 centimeters.

In destroying the cannabis field, no perpetrators or land owners were found. Destruction is carried out by burning based on the mandate of Article 92 Paragraph (1) and Paragraph (2) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics.

"The discovery of the destroyed cannabis field is a collaboration between BNN and the Geospatial Information Agency and the National Research and Innovation Agency," said Sugiri as quoted by ANTARA.

He said the discovery of the two marijuana fields was through monitoring of unmanned aircraft. Then, proceed with an investigation in the field.

"The destruction of the cannabis field is clear evidence of the government's fighting against narcotics crimes," he said.

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