Technological advances make it easier for various aspects of life, including in worship. Now, distributing waqf, zakat, and infaq is no longer complicated, even as easy as buying a cup of coffee. This was conveyed by Ali Bastoni, GM Literacy and Collection of Dompet Dhuafa Waqf, during his visit to the VOI office on Jalan Tanah Abang III, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday, August 14.

Ali Bastoni explained, with technological advances, people can easily contribute through digital applications. "Now, paying zakat, waqf, and alms is very easy, just download the application, then pay. That's as easy as it is," he said.

Currently, Dompet Dhuafa as a philanthropic institution is intensively raising waqf funds. Through this visit, Ali hopes to collaborate with the media to expand the waqf movement to the public. "We hope this visit can open up opportunities for cooperation with the media, so that the waqf movement can spread more widely," he added.

The millennial generation, which is now the largest population, is one of the main focuses of Dompet Dhuafa. Ali Bastoni emphasized that waqf programs made by Dompet Dhuafa are designed to be easily accessible to young people. "We want to involve as many millennials as possible in the waqf movement, with light loads. With donations ranging from ten thousand rupiahs, they can already contribute," he explained.

Dompet Dhuafa also continues to provide education and literacy about waqf, so that more millennials know and are involved in the programs they offer. "The instrument for Waqf now is much more diverse. In the past, people had to hand over a piece of land or some amount of money. Now, with stocks or sukuk as well. The proceeds from the development of these funds are donated, while basically they are still owned by donors," explained Ali Bastoni.

With this convenience, Dompet Dhuafa hopes to inspire more young people to contribute to the waqf movement.

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