JAKARTA - United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken strongly condemned the presence of Israel's National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir at the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex, Jerusalem, Palestine, Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Blinken said the Israeli far-right minister's actions "showed a blatant disregard for the historic status quo related to the holy sites in Jerusalem."

"This provocative act only exacerbates tensions at a very important time, when all focus should be on ongoing diplomatic efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement, secure the release of all hostages and create conditions for wider regional stability," Foreign Minister Blinken said in a statement. a statement, reported The Times of Israel August 14.

Around 1,600 Jews entered the Al Aqsa Mosque Complex on Tuesday and performed worship rituals and prayed. They received escort from Israeli security forces. It received criticism from Palestine for violating the agreed status quo. Ben Gvir was one of those present and prayed there.

Ben Gvir said while in the area his policy allowed Jews to pray there, contrary to the status quo governing the holy site.

In response, PM Netanyahu again rejected Ben Gvir's statement regarding permission for Jews to pray there.

"The determination of policies at Temple Mount is directly subject to the government and the prime minister," said the Prime Minister's Office.

"There is no personal policy by certain ministers at Temple Mount either by the minister of national security or other ministers. This is how it is under all Israeli rule," the statement continued.

"This morning's incident at Temple Mount is a deviation from the status quo. Israel's policy on Temple Mount has not changed. This is how it is and will continue like this," the statement added.

Prior to yesterday's incident, Ben Gvir had several times supported Jews to pray in the area. He also visited him several times, although it has always drawn criticism from Palestine and a number of countries.

Meanwhile, PM Netanyahu also repeatedly emphasized that the status quo in the area remained unchanged.

"The Prime Minister Netanyahu's office has made it clear that Minister Ben Gvir's actions are inconsistent with Israeli policy," he said.

Jordan has been the official guard of Muslim and Christian holy places in Jerusalem since 1924, and has openly been recognized as the guard of Jerusalem's holy sites.

"We will ask the Israeli government to prevent similar incidents in the future," Foreign Minister Blinken said.

"The United States reaffirms our commitment to the preservation of a historic status quo and will continue to oppose counterproductive unilateral measures to achieve peace and stability and undermine Israel's security," Foreign Minister Blinken added.

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