JAKARTA - Head of the General Crime Section (Kasipidum) of the Tangerang City District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Yayi Dita Nirmala reported the soap opera actor Jin and Jun, Yuyun Sukawati to the Tangerang City Metro Police.

The old artist was reported on suspicion of abuse after the trial of Yuyun's son with the initials AH (15) at the Tangerang District Court (PN).

"I reported it to the Tangerang City Metro Police," said Nirmala when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, August 14.

Nirmala recounted that at first she reported that Yuyun Jin and Jun began when the old artist often made a fuss in the Tangerang District Court courtroom. The commotion started from shouting to cutting the conversation in the courtroom.

"When the trial was on the agenda of reading from witnesses to prosecution. This artist always made a fuss in the courtroom, until the judge reprimanded the panel of judges several times not to make a fuss, shout and reprimand," said Nirmala.

Even so, during the trial involving his son with the initials AH, it was continued at the Tangerang District Court, May 28, 2024 with an agenda for reading the demands.

At that time, Yuyun again made a fuss until the Panel of Judges asked her to leave the courtroom.

The peak was May 28, 2024. At that time the agenda was a letter of demand. There (Yuyun) caused a stir in the courtroom. Until the panel of judges reprimanded him 3 times and was expelled from the courtroom," he said.

Not long after, Yuyun forced her way in by breaking down the door of the courtroom. The action was carried out during the reading of the demands.

"This person concerned broke down the door of the courtroom and again made a fuss in the courtroom. When I read out the demands," he said.

"He (Yuyun) also shouted about one billion. After that, the trial was closed, sir, by the panel of judges, it was postponed. For the defense of his legal advisor," he continued.

After the trial for reading the demands was completed, Nirmala admitted that Yuyun tried to grab her hair. Luckily, it was prevented by the prosecutor's friends so that he failed to take the action.

Until finally this artist was kicked twice, on his left and right legs. Until finally fell and limped," he said.

On the same day, Nirmala made a police report at the Tangerang Metro Police, for further action against Yuyun.

"On the same day I asked the leadership for permission, my boss. Finally, I reported it to the Tangerang City Metro Police," he said.

Yuyun previously posted a content with information containing complaints that she felt she was being treated badly by law enforcement officials.

"So far I have been silent, but the more I remain silent, the more arbitrary I will be treated. It is time for me to speak as a mother who fights for justice for my only child. Whether this law in Indonesia applies 'not viral, there is no justice.

"Please justice for me as a single mother and my child who is already orphans, who is still a minor, in order to get justice by taking action against police officers from the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police and unscrupulous prosecutors from the Tangerang City Prosecutor's Office, as well as the Metro Police Propam.

I am very disappointed with the Propam Polda Metro Jaya for not taking action against police officers at Soetta Airport who have criminalized minors.

Tetapi karena oknum-oknum diduga suap melalahkan segala cara mengerjali anak di bawah yggara yang tidak bersalah, oknum-oknum tersebut mengyahami dengan skenario perspirakan zalima yang sudah di-setting dan direncanakan menjembing anak di bawah anggara. begitu tulisan yang ada di postingan @YuyunJinjun.

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